sophia photos
please wait patiently, and then click thumbnails
<--- guitar
i like to rock. --and roll |
practice -------->
gotta do it! every day. on this particular day: in my pajamas, learning a new Christopher Norton piece
Jan '02 |
<--- washing luce'
haha! lucie hates baths |
thanksgiving ------------->
carlo telling me and celeste about..... thanksgiving in italy?? probly not
nov '01
<---- me and jenn
this is when jenn came to visit me! fun TIMES
click thumbnail for more pictures from this |
me in my room ---------------->
i think i'm talking to sara!
spring '01
<-- riley and me
that's me and my pal riley armstrong when he played at the spring youth retreat in portland. he opened for luna halo, and it was rad. i bumped into mattrick there!
feb '01 |